Love and Sex
Chapter 10
Of the several trillion cells that compose the body, something like 1 ten millionth of these are sex cells. Sex cells are rare and elite. They are what biological form and biological evolution are all about. We think they can be presumed to be about cosmic life under the conditions of gravity.
It is now thought that sex cells were invented as a molecular response to parasites invading early multicellular organisms (the signature molecular feature of sex is the recombination of the nanometer-scaled genes of the parents into a deeply novel pattern, and then transmitting that new nano-pattern, reduced to information, into the next generation).
The extended information/combination space of the 21,000 nano-scaled human genes is very large. Such recombination, although meticulous and expensive to arrange, was the most effective way for multicellular organisms to inhibit the molecular progress of the deleterious parasites (likewise multicellular) that were trying to use their resources.
If its molecular environment changes with every generation of the host, the parasite has no way to get ahead genetically. It must, if it is to be able to survive, remain a lowly parasite. Genetic recombination and genetic proofreading are the fundamental molecular biology of all higher (multicellular, potentially host) plants and animals, and they are linked to warding off parasites,
The immune system is the obverse and even more fundamental aspect of this multi-scaled molecular biology. The immune system is the functional, day-to-day expression of the self/not- self dichotomy in single-celled life. It’s a micron-scaled replicative mechanism that swarms over single-unit viruses and bacteria, shutting them down and digesting them.
Allergies are instances of the immune system getting a little out of focus. Ejaculation in the human male is a mysteriously amplified sneeze in the tumescent tissue, together with the expulsion of a half billion micron-sized spermatozoa. The upshot of this kind of expulsion appears to be a dull and short-lived inflammation in the tissues surrounding the brain. The reaction can be helped with a healthy dose of cubic Sea- or Himalayan salt (sodium chloride).
Childbirth in the human female is the expulsion of a very large, nine-month parasite (the human fetus), accompanied in rare but important cases by an orgasmic ecstasy far in excess of anything the mother ever experiences in coitus. It is probably the desire for the childbirth orgasm, and the subsequent nursing ecstasy, that drives the entire female sexual response, including her intuitive calculations and selection of a fitting mate.
The entire affair of sexual ecstasy, sexual hangover and sexual generation, including not merely its own sociology but human sociology in general, now needs to be understood in multi-scaled terms that include molecular biology, morphology, consciousness, nutrition and behavior and, as we will try to show here and elsewhere, cosmic consciousness and theosophy.
Likewise, noetic mental images of the object of sex and ideal circumstances in the human afterlife, which, if not positively part of the known cosmos, at least can be imagined and wished-for, will probably need likewise to be understood in terms of oxidative stress and oxidative velocity in the relevant tissues and of something like optimized health and nutrition in conversation and in human intercourse generally.