What Will Stem Inwardly from Perfect Conversations?
Enchantment and its synchronicities are the magnetic power component of the Magical Arcanum, and we should expect formal conversation to increase accessibility to and control of magnetism. Magnetism or enchantment is at once the organizing force and the liability, the principle and the trap of human society. In society, humans instinctively recognize it and attempt either to neutralize and avoid it or secretly to exploit it. As love, they dream about it and attempt idiosyncratically to possess it. Human society is organized subconsciously around enchantment and the force of magnetism.
“Away,” we say, “with subconscious social organization.” Far better will be a social organization settled self-consciously, for the sake of control and its own improvement, in the astral light. The judgment or legacy of enchantment is actually, we think, cosmical and eternal, or something close to it. Enchanted organization and its awful legacies, Marxism for example, we think, are now, thanks in part to our initiative here, and thanks importantly to the historic trends of our time (the terminal condition of neoliberalism, the advents of AGI and of synthetic biology, the deliberate fashioning of planetwide government, etc), are what are now at stake.
Our friend David Shapiro reports an experience we think future humanity will find more or less routine. Instead of shrinking inwardly from magnetism, the humans of the future will function quite differently. Future humanity will be adept with magnetism. Excess and exploitative overreach will be avoided, largely through science but more importantly through art and good taste, and a far greater facility with subjective things and subjective realities will be utilized routinely. What today are inward facts of the human matter will, in the future, be outwardly perceptible and socially regulated.
The mental picture here becomes the operational unit. CG Jung used the mental picture in therapeutics. He realized early that receiving a strong magnetic impression in a dream or in meditation made the patient feel better. Therapy with Jung was a solitary process of enticing magnetic impressions, intrinsically holistic, all-pervading and healing, to enter the personality or personal self-consciousness.
Conversation as we are defining it, and as we propose to test it, is premised on the hypothetical notion of the identical mental picture, a magnetic item that momentarily organizes the minds of two or more people simultaneously. Identical mental pictures, as perceptions, are automatically legitimized everywhere today in society. Rare are interpersonal problems that stem from perceptions of the layout of the local Starbucks. Social problems stem from the legitimacy of perceptions of what’s happening inwardly in people.
When human personalities have learned to settle simultaneously and occupy space in other such personalities, when alignments of the relevant physical organs (the heart and brain in particular) are accomplished and enjoyed routinely in conversation and human intercourse, much of this AI-assisted, when the mysteries of human incarnation and human excarnation have been opened to profitable exploration, characterization and social use, a very great deal of future terrestrial evolution can be expected to follow.
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