Carl's 2006 Proposal on Natural Language Conversation
We are floating a cosmological proposal in consciousness. We want to decide whether and how explanation-strapped humanity works as a functional component in the theosophical astral plane, in the affine, gravity-guided, rigid-photonic worlds before birth, during life and after death and whether, when and how cosmogenic impressions from these worlds can appear during satisfactorily-performed, retrospectively-studiable conversation.
To date there exists in this civilization no microbehavioral, molecular biological, cosmical explanation of natural-language conversation. Unexplained conversation is likely 21st-century civilization's crucially missing feature. We claim to have identified principles of the right theory and we claim testing it will be straightforward. We think conversational mechanics bridge the explanatory gap in consciousness. We think the connective fascial tissue throughout and deep inside the body and its organs plays the binding role both in conscious mental imagery and in semantic representation.
Sufficiently ergonomic construction and observation methods, including grammatical congeniality and comfortable wearables, should enable investigators to begin to assess what subconscious physiology says about real-time cosmological contents in conversation and consciousness, when these impinge noticeably from the astral light. Success with these methods could open the doors to something like a sociological interferometry, leading future social science into a domain as precise as physics.
We think the theory that is both correct in principle and experimentally workable defines natural language conversation as universal satisfaction from markable beginning to markable end, moment by markable moment, by way of a sound algorithmic platform. The rigid algorithm is simple, elegant and more or less non-executable by ill-disposed or untrained subjects. It indispensably requires open-mindedness and long-suffering, both of which are encourageable by placing the conversation onto a public performance footing, and both of which should, in principle, be easy to assess in retrospect by turning consensually to videotape. Perhaps more difficult to evaluate on an objective basis, but we think not impossible, are the indispensable conversational-spiritual virtues of good will and correctness of thinking. Equanimity, likewise indispensable to the theory, should be evaluable by studying personality characteristics, again by prior agreement, betrayed by heart rate and skin conductivity.
At the root of this kind of conversational performance is the living play of conversational semantics and imagery, and the patient wait for definite meaning to take shape more or less simultaneously in the mind of everyone present. When this happens, as it does from time to time under certain formal but less well-controlled conditions, one can reasonably guess that the needles will synchronically oscillate, align and point in one direction. What investigators will want to know is the extent to which these objective measures can help them characterize those more rare and more numinous contents that purport, out of self-conscious language in itself, to have to do with photonic, theosophical structures and functions in the cosmos.
Precisely how in its developmental trajectory from the inception of life to its final phase the brain controls semantic representation by way of the piezoelectric fascia may redound to how it manages oxidative stress and oxidative velocity in the relevant tissues.