The Multi-Scale Competency Architecture
The developmental biologist Michael Levin has recently made remarkable progress with electrophysiology and collective cell intelligence and is wondering about competencies and self-consciousness in other architectures. He has shown that living organisms are not, in the old way of thinking, hard-wired to gene regulatory networks, but rather work in multi-scaled problem spaces, most saliently by means of transient, tissue-scaled electric voltages, that turn those architectures into problem-solving mechanisms.
He has convincingly shown these ghost voltages (memories) prepattern and guide much of the development, form and consciousness of biological organisms. He is currently working to extend his theoretical gains into oncology, regenerative medicine and synthetic biology, but he has not yet extended his understanding to possible interactions between self-conscious organisms and the greater cosmos, which presumably has played a longstanding and fundamental role in causing them to take the forms they currently have.
We think society and consciousness will begin to show features and patterns that directly reflect the electrical and magnetic principles Michael Levin has begun to unpack in biological tissue. We think the collective intelligence of cells and cell groups, and hence direct cosmic signatures going back to the theory of magic, will soon start to show up explicitly and reliably in human consciousness, in human society and in human culture.