Geopolitics as an Ancient Problem in Complexity

Guys, I think we will need to put our Startup idea into a certain geopolitical context, the longstanding context updated and advocated by Stephen Kotkin and Yuval Harari for example. The context is about the size and situatedness of today's polities, the US, Russia and China in particular. The Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin is important here. Our looking at geopolitical history will make the YouTube channel relevant to the world in which the idea lands.

Current geopolitics is more or less threefold, and I think we can frame eye-catching, intelligent one-to-one discussions about each of these areas. The interesting thing for us will be clearly to roll out the supporting context. We actually have this context developed already. Exactly what it is may not yet be altogether clear to everyone here, but I think it will become more and more clear and more and more workable as we study it together.

The context I am talking about is what should turn out to be the positive theory of magic, the scientific theory we might say I managed to initiate in July at Stephen Wolfram's Summer Session. The theory is supposed to underpin the science of psychology, still a very young undertaking. It was identified by CG Jung in the last century as part of the overall effort by Freud, Jung and Adler to introduce a science of psychological impressions. On Jung's approach, as in the other two, mental impressions in humans are framed as things in the real world, as natural forces or things with effective power. I think our YouTube scripts will need to be self-conscious exemplifications of this power, works of art as it were, and if we succeed with them I think we will have produced an altogether new and singularly effective form of communication.

Currently the world is facing very serious risks in three places: in the Middle East, in Europe and in Southeast Asia. These risks, we will want to suggest, stem from the same thing: from the archaic mind of the human being, which devolves more or less from cosmic starlight. Today's civilized human being, no differently from the contemporary dreaming human being in the Amazon, is subconsciously dominated by acausal physical connections. However, in highly organized societies, physical, causal connections tend exclusively to be recognized as the ones in play. Mental illness in these advanced societies appears to be caused more or less by non-recognition of this double current.

We will want our Channel to explore what this double current of connectivity is in total and how it works. Stephen Wolfram's hypergraphs are starting to capture total connectivity as physical theory. This new theory will need to have been identified more or less precisely and will need to be at work explicitly in the humans who have organized and who run the Channel. The two humans selected to do so on camera will have decided to work (as a dyad) more or less with Eliphas Levi's concept of magical equilibrium. The idea behind the Channel will be to put the old theory of magic under the control of a new and superior form of intelligence, now identified in biology as collective intelligence (CI) (Michael Levin at Tufts University is currently the principal investigator). CI is the multi-scaled intelligence that spans the several of orders of magnitude used to make the cosmos intelligible to observers like us.

There's quite a bit in all of this, I realize, but I think we need to decide today's historical moment will require somebody to articulate a solution adequate to meet the geopolitical challenge. Here's a relevant bit from this morning's YouTube on Europe (17 min):

Here's the news from the Middle East (6 min):

China isn't an international emergency this morning, but the cause of the East-West political tension is likewise psychological/archaic, with unrecognized deficits in play on both sides..

All best, Carl


Life on Earth is an Antenna Tuned to Sunlight


Cognitive Capacity