Life on Earth is an Antenna Tuned to Sunlight

Yay Peter, the Monday morning sessions are very good and very effective. Definitely an accelerated building process. Given the overall pace of political and moral evolution on earth, Master Sha, working as he does with the Light of the Tao (with the Greatest Light) would seem to be a bit of a miracle. Most likely an adventurous miracle coupled by necessity with a certain amount of risk.

Please look at this video from Max Gulhane, an MD interested in sunlight and metabolism. It promises, I think, to put Master Sha's methods and claims more or less directly into the scientific mainstream. It suggests to me human evolution is headed toward an angelic existence, in which human self-consciousness functions at higher and higher levels of society and cognition.

The point of view in the video is astrophysical/biological, and it's pretty new. People are starting to think the human body is directly coupled with the sun's atmosphere (BTW, the sun's atmosphere is also directly coupled with the local interstellar nebula). Suddenly, it appears, we're beginning to understand human existence as fundamentally cosmical and we're beginning the somewhat risky process of adapting ourselves in detail to it here on earth.

There is, of course, a long tradition of human cosmicality, mostly disjoint, from all over the world and feeding in from many historical epochs. We can call this tradition theosophy. Heretofore it's been priests, kings and their politics who have mediated theosophical information. Today, it seems likely to me, in view of democracy's pre-eminent political legitimacy, probably the fundamental legacy of Christianity, that the whole of life on earth, and even the earth's underworld, is going more and more to find herself self-consciously and even ecstatically coupled with the cosmos.

My own efforts in this rather extravagant direction have to do with ordinary natural language conversation and human self-consciousness. FWIW, here's what I've got so far:

Warm wishes, Carl


Geopolitics as an Ancient Problem in Complexity